leading the future

Genomics is expanding beyond exponential growth. Learn more about how you can prepare for the future.

Our 860 Atlantic Ave. Lab
New production lab
We have opened up a new production lab at 860 Atlantic Avenue, home of Profile Genomics.
DNA Sequencing Certificate
The DNA Sequencing Certificate program offers a unique opportunity to study DNA. The central emphasis of this certificate is mastery of sample preparation, equipment operation and analysis of DNA targeted for technologies such as Illumina and emerging DNA sequencing platforms.
One in five reptiles face extinction

A recent publication coauthored by Profile Genomic's JR Macey highlights the plight of the world's reptiles.

Media: BBC, NBC, The Guardian.

Böhm, M., et al. 2013. The conservation status of the world's reptiles. Biological Conservation. 157:372–385.

Peralta Science Club

We are working the Peralta Engineering, Medicine and Club to introduce students to genomics. Students are working on real research and developing real lab skills.